home book of stars


astrolatry is defined as the worship of stars and other celestial bodies as deities or by associating them with deities. deity, in this case, may refer to a god or goddess but can also refer to something with divine status, quality, or nature. in my personal practice, i do not worship or work with anthropomorphic deities, or deities who are described as having human-like traits and behaviors. although the planets were named for greco-roman beings with these qualities, i do not see them [the planets] as such beings. instead, i use the lore and correspondences associated with the planets and other celestial bodies to worship them as divine entities themselves. overall, i believe that the cosmos itself is divine, which includes the many celestial bodies encompassed inside of it. in my opinion, celestial bodies have their own innate energies that we can work with without thinking of them as what others would describe as gods/goddesses/deities, much like we view crystals, herbs, and other objects.

working with celestial bodies in this sense would be much like working with deities: you could make offerings, use their energy and aid in magical workings, dedicate a shrine or altar to them, or even pray to them.

while it may sound odd to pray to a planet or a star, prayer is most simply defined as requesting help/assistance or expressing thanks to a deity or an object of worship, and in this case, the object of worship in question would be the celestial body of your choosing.

offerings are generally given to express your gratitude for receiving assistance from celestial bodies.

offerings will vary depending on the celestial body you are working with, but here are a few ideas:
  • bury crystals in the soil
  • leave crystals on your altar or shrine
  • burn incense or a blend of herbs and spices
  • light a candle according to color or scent
  • leave a mixture of herbs and spices on your altar/shrine
  • floral arrangements
  • food and beverages
  • trinkets or jewelry
  • use representations of associated animals (could be a drawing, a feather, a tuft of fur, a whisker, etc. all safely and legally harvested, of course)
  • drawings or paintings of the celestial body

  • bonding with celestial bodies and utilizing celestial energy in magical workings:
  • use planetary hours or lunar cycles based on intent
  • perform magic on days of the week that are associated with the corresponding planet
  • spend time outside under the stars
  • study astronomy and astrology
  • draw down energy from celestial bodies based on intent
  • i like to use the skymaps app on my smartphone to track down the celestial body in the sky for increased accuracy
  • astral travel to other planets
  • try spiral meditation to ground, center, and channel celestial energy
  • use planetary symbols to represent a planet in a spell
  • draw the symbol in a pen or marker of corresponding color
  • carve the symbol in a candle or wax cube of corresponding color or scent
  • create a crystal grid in the shape of the symbol
  • arrange herbs or flowers in the shape of the symbol
  • make a corresponding oil and draw the symbol on yourself or another medium
  • burn herbs or incense associated with a celestial body based on intent
  • use candles based on scent and color to correspond with your intent
  • use tarot or oracle cards that you associate with certain celestial bodies
  • create and use planetary or celestial oils to anoint objects
  • make crystal grids based on the current planetary alignment
  • make crystal elixirs using crystals associated with certain planets or other celestial bodies
  • wear a corresponding crystal on your person
  • wear a pendant made from corresponding herbs and spices on your person
  • paint your nails using corresponding colors
  • make an herbal sachet to use in the bath
  • use bath crayons to draw symbols and sigils in the bath/shower
  • drink tea made from corresponding herbs (that are safe to consume)
  • add herbs of corresponding intent to your food while cooking or baking

  • worshiping on the go:
  • carry corresponding crystals in your pocket

  • wear a corresponding crystal/herbal pendant

  • draw celestial sigils/planetary symbols on yourself with a crystal elixir, oil, or marker/pen of corresponding color

  • draw celestial sigils/planetary symbols on paper and carry them with you

  • wear planetary symbols as jewelry

  • carry a corresponding herb or crystal sachet in your pocket, purse, or backpack

  • say a quick prayer to acknowledge a celestial body or thank them for their aid

  • enchant every day items with planetary/celestial energy

  • chapstick/lip gloss/lipstick

  • other makeup products

  • shampoo/conditioner/soap

  • compact mirror

  • perfume/cologne/body spray

  • car/house keys

  • keychains

  • lanyard

  • name badge/id for school or work

  • wristwatch

  • stationary (pens, highlighters, notebooks, planners, etc.)

  • lighter

  • gum/candy