home book of stars


andromeda - power, removing barriers, release, letting go
aquarius - new beginnings, luck, wishes
aquila - guidance, psychic work, astral travel
ara - hearth, home, devotion, refuge, protection
aries - fertility, abundance, protection, banishing
auriga - wisdom, knowledge, storm warding


boötes - inspiration, nature, storm warding


cancer - astral travel, dreamwork, psychic abilities, imagination, creativity, subconscious desire
canes venatici - companionship, faithfulness, protection, healing
canis major and canis minor - death, renewal, new beginnings, protection, purification
capricornus - harvest, energy, abundance
cassiopeia and cepheus - balance, relationships, love, union, healing, maternal conflict (cassiopeia), and familial/home conflict (cepheus)
centaurus - balance, duality, healing, wisdom
cetus - power, intelligence, communication, change, growth, happiness
columba - peace, relaxation, fidelity, devotion, marriage, union
corona australis - emotions, love, spirituality, success, manifestation of goals
corona borealis - guidance, protection, knowledge, divination, success, manifestation of goals
corvus - wisdom, secrets, duality, prophecy, divination
crater - life, emotions, abundance
crux - elemental energy, crossroads, decision-making
cygnus - light, death, transformation, prophecy, self-esteem


delphinus - intelligence, wisdom, truth, releasing negativity, fertility, safe travels
draco - wisdom, power, knowledge, prosperity, luck, protection


eridanus - life, health, abundance, power, wisdom, transformation, meditation


gemini - balance, change, transition, increased power, banishing
grus - death, rebirth, mysticism, truth, divination


hercules - wisdom, creativity, strength, energy
hydra/hydrus - life, reproduction, forces of nature, power, healing, transformation


leo - power, protection, courage, strength
lepus - abundance, swiftness, wisdom, divination, hidden knowledge, transformation, lunar magic
libra - balance, healing, legal matters
lupus - power, purpose, loyalty, protection
lynx - isolation, purification, cleansing, illumination, insight, hidden knowledge, swiftness
lyra - underworld, enchantment, immortality of the soul, music


monoceros - beauty, freedom, love, luck, spirituality, transformation, wisdom, creativity


ophiuchus & serpens - healing, balance, the flow of energy
orion - self-confidence, strength, victory, winter storms


pegasus & equuleus - travel between realms, contacting the dead, astral travel, divination, psychic abilities
perseus - hope, desire, wishes, manifestation, power
phoenix - change, cycles, transformation, rebirth, renewal, personal growth
pisces - creation, fertility, union, creativity
piscis austrinus - prophecy, divination, inspiration, astral travel, wisdom, otherworldly knowledge
pleiades, the - mysticism, power, higher consciousness, wisdom, awareness


sagittarius - mental stimulation, virility, sexuality, physical energy, power, skill, manifestation of goals
scorpius - protection, the underworld, creativity, transformation, psychic abilities


taurus - abundance, regeneration, power, strength, potency
triangulum - balance, change, transformation


ursa major - protection, strength, survival, exile, familial love
ursa minor - renewal, rebirth, awakening, strength


virgo - rebirth, harvest, regeneration, prosperity